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Welcome to my website!

I'm Luke, a qualified Reiki practitioner, based in Newbury, Berkshire.


The feedback from my treatments has always been so overwhelmingly wonderful, that I now hope to provide these healing experiences to as many people as possible.

Luke's Reiki Healing Logo

About Me


Luke of Luke's Reiki Healing, smiling and very happy with Silbury Hill behind him

I’m kind, caring, and generally a very relaxed person. In recent years I would also say I’ve become very ‘woo’, with my Reiki treatments becoming central to this. I remain curious and open minded to all things Reiki and Spiritual, whilst also keeping myself very well grounded.   


I’m currently still working a ‘regular’ job, which is also based on helping people. Whilst I enjoy the job, it doesn't allow me to provide the healing which so many people who I meet really need.  By doing Reiki part time (for now), I get to give that little bit more to people, in a way that seems to help them so much, which is massively fulfilling for me. 


​​From my work, long-term chronic illness, life events and significant traumas that my own family have suffered, I’ve had exposure to many challenges and tragedies  that people and families can suffer, often behind closed doors.


​Perhaps especially as a result, I am extremely empathetic and passionate about supporting those who have suffered. I recognise that trauma and pain can affect everyone differently, and can sometimes take years to recover from. I also recognise that we live in a society which still struggles with victim blaming, and where people’s trauma, especially for females, can be used against them.


I also understand that we sometimes end up 'just coping', burring things and marching on. So I know that the face we show to the world, can hide a depth of suffering, which Reiki can help to release and heal, without any words actually required.  


​On another note, I also have just the coolest 11 year old son! We live in my lovely little house, which is a short walk from Newbury town centre.

My tranquil home has a lovely atmosphere and it's is where I provide my treatments. Clients are very welcome to use it's facilities, as required.

My Own Introduction to Reiki

A small display including a crystal sat in white angel wings, with a nearby Robin

I was lucky enough to be introduced to Reiki as a young child, by a wonderful and highly talented family member.  


I would love to say that from here I embraced this wonderful healing gift, my life thereafter enriched with all the benefits of Reiki. Sadly, this was not the case, and I largely put aside this aspect of myself for many years. It's fair to say, I ended up somewhat sceptical of so much, for a long time.


​However, several years ago I went through a bit of a healing journey, and I had a few enlightening experiences along the way, which nudged me to reassess things. I'm pleased to say that in amongst this, I rediscovered Reiki, and before long I began working towards my qualifications.    


​Right from the start of my journey back into Reiki, I was incredibly lucky and grateful to find I was so gifted in my abilities, and I have been practicing ever since. I LOVE seeing the benefits my treatments bring to others, and of hearing the incredible feedback.  â€‹â€‹â€‹

Luke of Luke's Reiki Healing, in his house, with a warm and friendly smile
Reiki written in Japanese

What is Reiki?

Reiki is all about healing through directing energy, but if that immediately sounds ‘wacky’, I would first consider whether you have already recognised the impact of a person’s energy, touch, or presence? 


For example, the soothing effect of a hug from a loved one in a time of need? We regularly see this impact when a child just needs a hug, and the wonders that can work. Even just having someone who cares for you being close by, without any contact at all, can bring a feeling of reassurance and positivity. 



Reiki, pronounced [ray-key], is effectively Japanese for ‘universal life energy’. It’s a Japanese healing system, based on the practitioner flowing healing energy through their hands. Practitioners will usually place hands on their clients gently, in a non-intrusive way, but it’s also possible to direct this energy without any contact at all. 


Reiki is an energy we can all access, although a practitioner’s ability to channel this energy has been enhanced, through attunement and practice, as part of their training.  


Reiki might also be considered as ‘spiritually guided life force energy’, with a key aspect being that the healing energy flows to where it’s required. This is without needing any specific directions from the practitioner, or the client. I will note that Reiki is open to everyone, from any belief system, and that it is very safe, including during pregnancy. â€‹â€‹


I’ve found that each treatment is somewhat unique, for myself and clients. I’m continuously in awe of the wonderful effects of Reiki, and of the profound experiences clients often report during and after treatments. 

Beautiful healing energy shining from Reiki hands


First and foremost, I will always do my best to accommodate your needs and preferences. 


Clients typically lie on my massage table in a comfortable position. You will remain fully clothed throughout and so I would advise simply wearing clothing you feel comfortable in. 


Treatments usually involve me gently laying hands on clients, generally starting at the head, before moving to various positions, ending up at the feet.

Please note, treatments need not involve any contact at all, if that is your preference.  


Clients often report feeling pleasant and sometimes intense levels of heat radiating from my hands, whilst some report seeing colours, or of feeling churning sensations.


Overall, the feedback is of deep relaxation, assisting some physical aches, and often bringing emotional release and healing. 


I tend to use a little incense in the room. Please indicate if you might have any issues with this, such as with asthma or allergies. 

The treatment room set up beautifully, with candles and crystals
Stunning local countryside, with bright sunshine warming lush green crops and a gorgeous view overlooking the area

Why Choose me?

Luke of Luke's Reiki Healing, gently holding and comforting his baby niece at a wedding

I am kind, caring, and emotionally aware. I am also respectful and will always try to accommodate people's preferences with regards their treatments.


I'm a qualified Level 2 practitioner, based in Newbury, Berkshire. I'm also fully insured.


I've also had feedback from many people who've previously experienced Reiki from multiple practitioners, who tell me that my treatments are uniquely powerful in their healing.   â€‹


I never imaged I would end up so 'woo'! But what is more unique with my treatments, is that I have found they are typically accompanied by wonderful visions, which you may chose to hear, or even engage with.


They tend to be symbolic in nature and often resonate with clients, guiding the healing.  


1 hour treatment = £50

You are invited to pay on arrival, so that your deeply relaxed state is not interrupted by finances after treatment.


1 hour treatment for police = £40

In recognition of their incredible efforts, and of the trauma they're exposed to every single shift, whilst helping so many. 


“I went for a reiki treatment with Luke hoping to clear some trauma blockages, but the experience was so profound that I felt deeply impacted by it afterwards.
Not only was Luke kind and respectful but his energy was amazing.
The visual experience along side the energetic and emotional one was something I’ll remember for ever.
He is a genuine, gifted healer and I highly recommend him.”


"Luke makes you feel so comfortable and safe, and creates such a loving and relaxing atmosphere that it’s easy to sink into deep relaxation and allow yourself to be open to whatever emotions come to you.
I highly recommend his Reiki for anyone, whether you just want to take some self care time for yourself, or if you want to unblock deeper emotions"


Luke is an incredibly calm person and therefore has an incredible calming presence the level of relaxation able to be reached was incredible. Credit to Luke and his skills

Booking - Contact Me

Location: Newbury

Address supplied on enquiry.


​I'm less than 15 minutes walk from Newbury Market Place, in Berkshire, and about 10 minutes walk from Newbury Train Station.  



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Travel to you

I can travel to you for treatment at your home address. However, there will be an additional charge, to cover time and fuel.


I also strongly recommend you visit my tranquil little home for your treatment.  

Old map of the historic town of Newbury, Berkshire

Spirit Led Healing

Extremely Talented Psychic Medium

Catherine, my sister, is an extremely talented Psychic Medium. She's also highly skilled in Tarot Readings and does incredible Animal Communication combined with Reiki, amongst her many talents. 
She is also an all around wonderful person, and I highly recommend her services. â€‹â€‹
Spirit Led Healing's symbol
​​Do check out her Facebook page:
Catherine of Spirit Led Healing, sat with some crystals and a lovely smile
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